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I know first hand what it’s like to be running a business while raising kids and cultivating a thriving marriage. It’s a lot.

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Your Bedroom Design + Your Self Care

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I find when working with my clients, their own personal bedroom space is usually last on the list. Everyone wants to focus on the spaces that will be seen/used by guests or the entire family, and there’s nothing wrong with that! However, if we look at the frequently-neglected state of the primary bedroom through the lens of “how you do one thing is how you do everything”, it can reveal a lot about you and how you’re living life right now.

So how does your bedroom design relate to your self care? Perhaps you are consumed with meeting the needs of your family/friends/work and forgetting about yourself in the mix of busy life- and it’s showing up in your bedroom. Let’s take a look at some common blocks to self care + love that reveal themselves in your bedroom space, so you can recognize them and change them!

From our Windsong Modern Project, Image by Jonathan Thrasher
From our Modern Farm Project

Your Bedroom Space: Common Blocks to Self Care:

  • Your bedroom space is a dumping ground for…everything. In the fullness of life- work, family, friends, home- your bedroom space is an important one for re-setting your body, soul and mind. If it’s full of clothing piles (or clothes shoved in your closet that you don’t even wear or like), stuff from your kids, un-used exercise equipment- all that “stuff” is sending you a message daily that’s not supporting you. A bedroom crammed full of items you don’t want or care about can make you feel like you wake up behind, as you look at the projects you’re “going to get to” when you “have time”, which we all know means never. If you just fix this one thing and edit what you allow into your bedroom space- and do nothing else- your room will have a completely different feel and this will help you wake up feeling refreshed instead of overwhelmed.
From our Hickory Pointe Modern Project, Image by Jonathan Thrasher
  • Your bedroom space is a complete afterthought. You might be tolerating old hand-me-down furniture, dealing with an uncomfortable bed or pillow that makes you wake up with a hurting back, or living with cheap bedding that doesn’t feel good. Maybe you haven’t even looked at this space as one that could be both practical and beautiful because you haven’t had the bandwidth. I recommend to first focus on your bed- if budget allows, get a bed that better meets your physical needs and helps you feel good when you wake up. Upgrade your pillow, get the luxury sheets. This can be incremental upgrades, meaning they don’t all have to happen at once, but if you start with your bed first, it will have the most return on investment for your health and wellbeing. It’s time to upgrade and let go of what you’re tolerating- in both your bedroom space, and in how you care for yourself.
Image from our Windsong Contemporary Project, Image by Jonathan Thrasher

It feels Bedroom Basic. You might already have an awesome bed set up- a great mattress, wonderful pillow and bedding. Great! But how does the rest of the room look? Is your bedroom space missing the little details that make it feel finished? Sometimes I’ll work with clients that already have the basics of good furniture for their bedroom, but the space still has no life. Why? It’s missing your personality!

Those little details are where you can make the room yours by adding colors that make you feel relaxed, inspiring artwork, photos of you and your partner, dimmable lighting, candles- and any other elements that give you life.

Once you have your bedroom space personalized to what makes you feel rejuvenated, how can you also incorporate that idea into your self care? For example, the standard “bubble bath or mani/pedi” is often mentioned as a way to show yourself love, but maybe that doesn’t excite you at all- you prefer an hour with a good book and a quiet house. Let go of the expectations for how you show yourself love and really tap into what fills your soul.

Image from our Michigan Modern Mountain Project, Image by Ashley Avila

What is YOUR bedroom space revealing to you about your self care? If you want to learn more about this topic and find out what to do about it, stay in touch by joining our newsletter so you can be the first to join our 4 day empowered home challenge coming this fall, all about identifying how your home might be blocking your create Health, Wealth, Connection and Love! Can’t wait for the challenge? Book a design power session with me!

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